Friday, October 15, 2010

YtV Archive Video Number 2 - yTv & Irish282

A classic YtV video from the archives, this is the second banhammer video. ===================================== Some active Yahweh Clan members: SubsevenRising TheBeeOBee rapist187 xNoNameForThisKattx W347H3RM4N NOTLLMTE Idyllicsun metalflakes FUBUXGEAR longdongil TheRJCarter TheLordJehovah FSHKT Current Yahweh Clan Sympathizers and supporters: TheMaskedAnalyst KidToucher282 BraveLittleCockling lolwutdahell ClaudesBrownRing LordUilesnor CrueITube YahwehMossad BinLadenBunny JosefMengeIe JewganSpermkatt2 ===================================== Report abuse, don't ignore it. To report abuse on YouTube: Inform the police of serious threats and stalking. If you are a minor, tell your parents. ===================================== Other Resources: Here is a direct link to a Wired Safety form for reporting cyberstalking and harassment. You will need a copy of a police report before they will help you. "You must contact law enforcement in your area prior to our accepting any case for any cybercrime that involves any offline risk. This includes death threats, child abductions, and Internet predators..." ===================================== GetNetWise is a public service brought by a wide range of Internet industry corporations and public interest organizations in order to inform people about the use of Internet. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). A US government law enforcement agency, part of the Department of ...