Friday, October 28, 2011

Internet Defamation Defenses

You have been accused on defaming someone on the internet. You need a defamation attorney who knows how to defend your case. Contact

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


reputationsmanagement : Reputation Management: Online Reputation Management Experts. Reputation Management Kings Provides Complete Reputation Management Online. Reputation Management is the response to reputation damaging information. Bad postings, negative feedback in blogs, horrible testimonials in popular forums, unrealistic scam allegations, and product reviews from false users can potentially put a company out of business and its Reputation Management. Reputation Management involves improving search results using optimization and viral marketing. Reputation Management is more important than ever as buying decisions are decided by what is found on the internet. Where two products resemble each other, often selected is the expensive brand based on the brands reputation. Visibility and high rank indexing with positive publicity which displaces negative publicity is the goal. This results in an increase in positive web presence, helping you own top spots in search results. Reputation management enables you to protect and manage your reputation and brand becoming actively involved in the outcome of results. Take advantage of expert reputation management services and proven organic social media strategies to maximize your return on your investment for your business. Unhappy consumers, political groups, competitors and disgruntled employees may have an interest in posting negative information, slander, libel or defamation about your company. We ...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Why has there been no new microwave Episodes?

This is an explanation to my fans In response to the overwhelming questions regarding why no new microwave episodes have been aired. Your professional microwave operator has not forgotten you and wants you to know what is going on and that he plans to produce more work but is waiting for the Jpizzle1122's microwave show to air the last of their episodes before he begins airing new microwave episodes. Historically on dOvetastic, the only channel that has spawned haters against my original microwave show is from the supporters of Jpizzle1122's newer microwave show as you will see in this video. These are various users that have claimed responsability and claimed they are doing it to benifit Jpizzle1122. My channel has received tons of spam promoting his channel for years now. This is nothing new since the college trio in boston started their version of a microwave show and has been going on for sometime but has been far worse in rencent months. Their supporters so far have claimed responsabilty for my show getting suspended twice on top of which I have received alot defamation and also hate & bigotry as a muslim. As we know, hate against muslims on youtube is seriously out of control and been allowed to proliferate exponentially based on claims of free speech despite such abuses are a direct violation of their TOS. Just take a look around and see for yourself. Even channels dedicated for the sole purpose of hate against muslims have shown up under my recommended to me in ...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

1-11-11 - The Alex Jones Show - David Icke responds to Southern Poverty Law Center allegations

(Original size: 1,24 GB) Alex welcomes back to the show writer and public speaker David Icke. The Southern Poverty Law Center has attempted to link Icke to the shooting of Rep. Giffords in Arizona. Icke says: "Why does this ludicrous man seek to connect me (whose name he doesn't even know how to pronounce) and others exposing the global conspiracy with the outrageous shooting of a Congresswoman and multiple murders in Arizona?" "Why does he try to dub me a 'right-winger' when I believe that all extremes, 'wings' and label-thinking have lost the plot and also try to connect me with violence when the very foundation of everything I say is to emphasise non-violence? " "Why? Because I am getting too close to the truth and because my major article repeated below went out across the Internet on New Year's Day exposing the Rothschild Zionist secret society that has used and abused Jewish people for well over a century and more, and has its place-people in key areas of government leadership and administration." "This silly man's organisation, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), is part of the Rothschild Zionist 'hate-crime', 'hate laws', 'dub-them-racists' network that includes the Anti-Defamation League, B'nai B'rith etc., etc, and seeks to label 'racist' and 'far-right' anyone who gets close to exposing the architects of human enslavement and control. Thank-you, Mr 'Botox', I take it as a compliment." Alex Jones issues an alert as certain factions in ...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Yahweh Clan Comments on LoganSperman2

Logan has over 13000 channel comments. He has been supporting victims of hate groups on YouTube since he was 14 years old. In spite of death threats and videos insulting and degrading him, many posted by hate groups such as the Yahweh Clan, he has not stopped. Logan has NEVER defended anyone bad, he just asks questions. Liars and haters do not like questions. No child or adult has ever done so much, for so many, for what is right. Why hurt someone for being good? This video is just a sample of what has been posted to his channel this month (March). Most are from the YouTube Yahweh Clan, a hate group he has been trying to expose for over a year. This group attacks both children and adults, as well as any one they can torment, insult, or ridicule for fun. They are a sick and sadistic group of social misfits who take pleasure in the suffering of others. Members of this group post articles to a website that makes fun of Jews, African-Americans, disabled people, children that are kidnapped and sexually abused, rape victims, and kids that have killed themselves. They enjoy the suffering of others. =====================================Some active Yahweh Clan members: SubsevenRising TheBeeOBee rapist187 xNoNameForThisKattx W347H3RM4N NOTLLMTE Idyllicsun metalflakes FUBUXGEAR longdongil TheRJCarter TheLordJehovah FSHKT Current Yahweh Clan Sympathizers and supporters: TheMaskedAnalyst KidToucher282 BraveLittleCockling lolwutdahell ClaudesBrownRing LordUilesnor CrueITube ...